Posting photos online is quite normal those days. However, you might just be a “web celebrity” overnight beyond your expectation in a bit awkward way. And this can happen to cat too. It all started with a humorous meme picture of a lovely cat sitting like a human. People started doodling on the image to make it funnier. With just a few strokes of the pen, the cat is now skateboarding, soaring through the sky on a cloud, and giving Donald Trump a much needed hairstyle update. Those images are quite hilarious to us but maybe not for the cat itself if he/she can ever see them. See more of the doodling here.

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

Hilarious Cat Doodle Challenging

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