Medical Shower: Innovative Showerhead Design

Medical Shower not only functions as a regular shower head, it also helps take care of the skin. Designed with a compartment to hold traditional Chinese medicine, this shower head enables water to be infused with nourishing herbal remedies as it flows out. The medicinal parcel is inserted into the plastic cover on the front of the shower head, making a medicinal shower as easy as making a cup of tea. It looks like a brilliant concept, which can work perfectly for the home doesn’t have bathtub. The only concern left will be whether the water would have enough contact time in order to ‘steep’ the medicinal herbs. But still a great idea. [source]

Medical Shower: Innovative Showerhead Design
Medical Shower: Innovative Showerhead Design
Medical Shower: Innovative Showerhead Design
Medical Shower: Innovative Showerhead Design

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