Workout is good, energy-saving is good, a floating gym powered by passengers’ workouts is good? Honestly, I don’t really think it is a good idea. Designed by Italian architects Carlo Ratti Associati, The Paris Navigating Gym is a 20-meter long fitness vessel that can host up to 45 people. The fitness area features Technogym’s ARTIS machines – a special typology of sports equipment that harnesses human energy and makes it available to further uses. By doing exercise on the ARTIS bikes and cross trainers, guests can seamlessly contribute to powering the boat, which in turn will sail along the Seine on its route through the city. The Navigating Gym will allow Parisians to inhabit the river all year long. The augmented-reality screens installed on the boat will show guests both the quantity of energy sourced from the workout, and data about the Seine’s environmental conditions, tracked in real time by sensors incorporated on the vessel.

Paris Navigating Gym: Floating Gym Powered by Human Energy

Do you think the gym attractive? It might look like quite fascinating with those words such as “workouts, man power, new energy”, but it is quite impractical from my point of view. Will the vessel stop in the middle? How about if there is some emergecy and someone want to get off? What happen if there are not enough passengers? People choose to workout there has to stay until the vessel return? There are so many other questions. Maybe it is just not clearly explained in the project design, or maybe I just worry too much. But anyway, if you live in Paris, would you like to do some workout on the floating gym?

Paris Navigating Gym: Floating Gym Powered by Human Energy

Paris Navigating Gym: Floating Gym Powered by Human Energy

Paris Navigating Gym: Floating Gym Powered by Human Energy

via: inhabitat

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