Interesting Redesign of US Dollar
Graphic design firm Dowling Duncan created a remarkable entry for the Dollar ReDe$ign Project. The series of notes are intended to be both educational and easy to use. Each note uses a black and white image depicting a particular aspect of American history and culture. They are then overprinted with informational graphics or a pattern relating to that particular image.

Interesting Redesign of US Dollar
$1 – The first African American president

$5 – The five biggest native American tribes

Interesting Redesign of US Dollar
$10 – The bill of rights, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution

$20 – 20th Century America

Interesting Redesign of US Dollar
$50 – The 50 States of America

$100 – The first 100 days of President Franklin Roosevelt.

Interesting Redesign of US Dollar
That is the most colorful money design I’ve ever seen. According to the company, the reason for that is they think it’s a strong way to distinguish one note from another.

I just wonder how much it will cost to make a note like that?

[via1] & [via2]

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