Do you spend the whole of your night tossing and turning around? It could be because you have not kept in check some of the factors that might deprive you of good sleep. It takes peace of mind, a good bed and bedding, a good environment, and appropriate feeding times and food types for you to have a good sleep. Here are the top tips to sleep better at night:

Create a Sleep Schedule

It is vital to have sufficient sleep. Medics recommend that you sleep for not more than eight hours. Determine the time when you are supposed to wake up for you to calculate what time you should go to sleep and still spend the eight hours sleeping. If you choose to sleep at 9 pm, ensure you sleep at the same time every single day. If any difference shall arise, let it not be more than a one-hour difference.

This schedule adherence can help your body reinforce a certain sleep-wake cycle that can work well for you. Health and fitness experts recommend that sleeping on good and comfortable beds with clean bedding and a quality mattress and pillows. This can help you rest safely without having to take up a painful neck or a hurting spine. As you learn to stick to your sleep schedule, you need to have some patience. If you have trouble sleeping within the first twenty minutes in bed, leave your bed and go to your meditation corner, listen to soothing music or read some enjoyable articles. Once you feel tired, go back to bed. Repeat this until it becomes automatic that as soon as you get to bed, you sleep.

Eat Healthily

You will have a hard time sleeping if you go to bed hungry or having overfed. Take some light food an hour before you go to bed to allow for your food to be digested otherwise you may have some stomach discomforts. Avoid taking drinks with nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. These drinks have stimulating effects and take more than one hour to wear off. They can wreak havoc on your good night’s sleep. Remember alcohol can soothe you to sleep but immediately the sleep effect is finished you might wake up and have a difficult time sleeping thereafter.

Create a Sleep-Enhancing Bedroom Environment

Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means a cool, dark, and quiet room. Exposure to light might make it more challenging for you to fall asleep. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, or fun to create an environment that suits your needs. Avoid external lights in your bedroom. Attractively arrange your furniture as it can also influence your falling asleep. Test different temperatures to settle to an ideal temperature at which you can comfortably sleep. You can also try different relaxation techniques like taking a warm shower before bed.

Avoid Long Naps on Daytime

When you sleep for long during the day you can have disrupted sleep or a sleepless night. Sleeping in the daytime dupes your body that it has paid quite some time of your sleep debt. As a result, you might run out of sleep in the night when the body will be feeling that it has slept for the required amount of time for that particular day. If you must nap during the day, limit your naps to at most thirty minutes. Remember,  short power naps are healthy and can help you rejuvenate and restore your energy.

Take Some Supplements

A supplement, like melatonin, is a hormone that encourages your brain to relax when you go to bed can aid you to sleep better. This hormone is so effective that it is used to treat insomnia. Melatonin can help you to sleep faster. Other supplements that can help you to sleep better include; valerian root, ginkgo Biloba, glycine, and magnesium.

After a long day at work, you need such a restful night.  Ensure you have a regular workout plan as physical activities can greatly enhance your sleep. Expose yourself to sunlight as it can improve your circadian rhythm. Avoid stress as it can deprive you of sleep. Such drinks as alcohol and caffeine can keep you active in the night disrupting your sleep. A sleep pattern helps your body get used to the appropriate sleeping time.

Meditation and taking a warm bath before bed as well as eating healthy can help you sleep better at night. Your power naps are better short lest they eat into your night’s sleeping time. You can also take some supplements to improve your sleep. It is vital to know when to contact your physician in case you experience constant sleep deprivation.

Remember a good night’s sleep is as good as having a regular workout schedule and eating healthy. It can affect your health and productivity so ensure you have enough sleep every night. Make sure to follow these tips so you can get sufficient sleep every night.

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