Frog is an amphibian, characterized by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. The distribution of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic regions, but most species are found in tropical rain forests. The frog I am going to discuss about the in this post, is Poison frog (also dart-poison frog, Poison dart frog). It seems not all the frogs in the poster are poison (Thanks to the comment from The G), but at least those are colorful and those color serves as warnings to potential predators to keep away.

The Atelopus Frog

green poison dart frog
blue poison dart frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed frog
golden poison frog
Harlequin Frog
Southern Corroboree Frog
Strawberry Poison Frog
Horn frog
Poison Arrow Frog
Poison dart frogs, like this sapphire-blue species, are highly toxic.
Found this page via StumbleUpon. Please do your research :( These are mislabeled and misinformed! Half of these aren’t even poison dart frogs. There are only a couple of poison dart frogs that are dangerously toxic to the touch (including the Golden Poison Dart Frog). I recommend to anyone to do lots of reading about these incredible animals. But make sure it’s a reliable source!
those sure are frogs alright.
“poison dart frogs….. are highly toxic”
Seem I have some mistakes about the frogs, some of them might not that poison. Sorry for that. Please let me know if I wrongly label the frog. I will correct them.
i’d lick that
Great collection of frogs. I stumbled here ( Giving it a thumbs up so other stumblers will get to see it. One question though: Where’s Kermit?
They’re still pretty, though. :)
I believe one of those is a toad…
absolutely beautiful pictures!
The vivid skin on the back of splash-backed poison frog is a clear indication of its toxicity. Most predators will keep well away.