Although I don’t like winter, I do enjoy the winter photography, especially those snowy ones. Maybe in essence, I am a person enjoy loneliness. And that is also the reason I like Pierre Pellegrini‘s winter series very much.

Tree groves, snow-topped piers, isolated bring and frozen water, Pellegrini sat quietly with these scenes, meditatively taking in the high contrast landscape as his camera processes the deep blacks and brilliant whites that emerge in the dead of winter. When asked how Pellegrini decided to take which scene, Pellegrini said, “I simply photograph what I feel, and am always looking for moments and situations where everything is in its place, I try to find a sort of harmony between what I see and what I feel.”

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

Stunning Black and White Winter Landscape Photography by Pierre Pellegrini

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