In these days, wall clock is more like a decoration than a device which tells time. Many of us even don’t own a clock at all. Take a look at the interesting clock “Time Is Dancing” designed by German designer Meike Harde. Generally, it is a simple, round clock with a single ballerina on the front. The upper body and two legs are separate pieces that move and bend depending on the hour. As time ticks by, the minimalist design displays minutes and hours through the elegant movements of the dancer – jump, pirouettes or splits. Quite impressive right? I would love to have one at home.

Time Is Dancing: Creative Ballerina Poses Clock

Time Is Dancing: Creative Ballerina Poses Clock

Time Is Dancing: Creative Ballerina Poses Clock

Time Is Dancing: Creative Ballerina Poses Clock

Time Is Dancing: Creative Ballerina Poses Clock

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