This vertical plant cultivator hydrophobic system was designed to grow plants within a limited space, which is quite useful in urban area where full-fledged gardens aren’t possible. It allows you go grow food from seed to plant. So if you want to grow some organic food at your urban home for health need, this might help.

PlanTree: a Tree of Plants

Seeds or seedlings are placed in pot-like cups that are filled with soil substitutes such as rock-wool or coco fiber. Water and nutrients are added to system where they are circulated through plants. A simple interface lets the user control and monitor pH, moisture, light and more. Looks like a pretty futuristic design. Not quite sure about how the water will circulate. But moving water around all the time are energy costing as well. If you don’t need those high-tech features, maybe sky planter might be a better solution.

PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants
PlanTree: a Tree of Plants

via: yankodesign

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