Photographer Mark Laita captures this colorful collection of marine life that can be found submerged in the oceans in his ongoing series of animal portraits. With cutting-edge photographic techniques, Laita unveils the full splendor and other-worldliness of the ocean’s inhabitants inside his LA studio. Rippling reflections, stark backdrops, and surprising angles lay bare the astonishing beauty of the life that teems under the water’s surface.

If you enjoy below photos, you probably want to check Laita’s book about the marine life on amazon.

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Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita

Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita
Vibrant Marine Life Photography by Mark Laita

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