YouTube is a great place to share thoughts and ideas, and many people want to jump into that pool. And if you are one of them, but yet to make a first step in that direction, take your time to learn some filming guidelines. These are some simple advices that will help you make a YouTube video and not get lost in the very beginning of your journey.

Gear Up

The content you are able to produce is in many ways defined by the equipment you have, but sheer creativity can compensate for a lot. Whatever the case, here are few things to consider before production:

  • Camera. Filming a scenic snowboard ride with a phone probably won’t be as good as with a GoPro cam.
  • Editing tools. You can cut your videos on almost any device. However, the powerful your platform is, the more thorough editing you can do.
  • Light. Light is essential for the medium of a video, so make sure you have enough of it. You may invest into lighting gear or find ways to utilize the sun shining for free.
  • Sound. You can stitch some mute clips together and add some music on top, that is a valid option. But to record good sound or a voice-over, you’ll need a microphone.
  • Storage. Running out of memory mid-recording can be a bummer. Make sure your camera or a flash card have enough storage space.

Do the Research

It is always a good idea to do your homework before filming anything. If you want to make a discussion video of some kind, do your best to make sure you deeply know the subject.

Research around the topic is just as important. You need to know what videos on your topic are successful and why. So, when you analyze your competitors, pay attention to the following:

  • Type of the most popular videos
  • Average length and structure
  • How do the thumbnails look
  • What is the general audience
  • Even what memes others use

This research will help see the framework in which you will have to operate. And a well-defined framework will immensely help you with planning.

Make a Plan

A thorough plan will ensure you won’t get lost during the filming process. There are a lot of different techniques and methods, but let’s take a look at something basic.

A lot of videos are based on the sequence of HICC – Hook, Intro, Content, Call-to-action. This is a universal approach of splitting your video into four main sections, which look like this:

  1. Hook.
    A Hook is what draws attention. It includes a catchy thumbnail, strong title, maybe a teaser or summary of things to come.
  2. Intro.
    This is the part where you introduce your topic. The best strategy here is to be brief, be clear, set up your talking points and go onto the main part without further ado.
  3. Content.
    This is the main part where you present your thoughts and arguments on the topic of your choice.
  4. Call-to-action.
    Once you say all you have to say, address the audience directly. Suggest some interaction – likes, comments, subscription, etc. It is a common way to end a video, it might sound silly, but it actually works.

Set Your Stage

You may think that people are supposed to look at you, but surroundings can be of great importance. It is best to make sure that the background matches with the subjects of the video. For example, a book review would look better with a neat bookshelf behind you. Or  cooking videos would make the most sense in the kitchen. At the very least, try to get rid of any distractions that may draw the attention from you and what you do.

Camera is also a part of the set, and it should have a proper place. To make a “talking head” video, for instance, it is best to put the camera in front of you. If you do something with your hands, like origami, make sure the camera takes a clear shot of them.

Hit the REC Button

Finally, we get to the fun part! There’s not much to consider after you hit the record button, since the preparation is done. Just follow your plan and act naturally. The latter may not be easy at first, but keep going regardless, your act will come together with some practice and most of the errors can be edited out. Which brings us to the part.

Edit Before Upload

If you have made some mistakes along the way, a little editing can make your video shine regardless. There’s a lot of editing software that will help you trim out any hiccups in a few clicks. And even if you have done the talking part perfectly, some post-processing can still improve your video and make it stand out. Don’t be shy of adding some voice-overs, cutting unnecessary parts, using color corrections and what not. It is all for the better, and here’s a more in-depth guide on how to make video quality better.

Upload Your Video

When the end result makes you happy, it is time to share it with others. Chances are your video editor already has an “upload to YouTube” feature or some such. In case it doesn’t, you can use YouTube’s own uploading guide.

Optimize and Promote

Uploading your content marks only the beginning of your journey. YouTube as a platform is governed by algorithms, and there are a ton of caveats that influence the visibility, from tags and keywords to the thumbnail uniqueness. That is the reality of content making and a huge topic worthy of separate discussion. But you can figure it out, if you have made this far. You can always find your niche, as long as you stay honest to your craft and respect the audience.

Now you are equipped with knowledge that will help create a video! This little list is merely a starter kit of information, and there’s a lot you will have to learn if you stick to this path. Good luck!

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