Is fish keeping your hobby? It is indisputable that fishkeeping can be fun and having fish at your home comes with myriad benefits. Unfortunately, it’s quite an expensive venture for many people. On the contrary, there are various strategies to work around fishkeeping in your home. There are lots of cheap materials you can use to create an aquarium at your home. You will need a fish tank to get started with fish keeping, and below is a comprehensive guide on how you can build your own fish tank.

Determine the Size of Your Fish Tank

Before you start building your fish tank, decide what you want. Determine whether you want a small freshwater tank or a huge reef tank. It shall help you start off the construction smoothly. With this understanding, you will be able to choose the ideal materials for whichever size of fish tank you want. It shall give you a visual image of what your tank will look like once it is complete. Based on the information at, you need to understand the standard dimension of a fish tank. However, these dimensions can differ depending on the shape of your fish tank, be it cylindrical or rectangular. The size is also necessary to understand because it determines the amount of water your tank can hold and can allow you to squeeze your budget accordingly. The volume of water your tank shall hold shall also influence the type of stand you will have, the substrate heating, and the thickness of the glass you shall use.

Choose the Ideal Glass

You should beware that the glass is one of the most vital elements of any fish tank. It is vital that you choose one with the desired thickness and glass type. You can use the plexiglass type because it is easily accessible and durable. It is highly flexible and robust. However, it can only support aquariums that are smaller than twenty-five gallons. If your option is a large fish tank, then plexiglass might not work well for you. It can easily be stained by the chemicals used in large fish tanks. It will help if you consult the seller of fish glasses to understand what variations can support your tank’s size. Stained-glass is also an option you can consider for your large fish tank. It is thicker than plexiglass and acrylic, although it is not as flexible. It does not readily crack; it holds a big volume of water and requires less maintenance.  It is important to remember the three categories of aquarium sizes as they also influence your choice of glass.

Get the Right Instruments and Dimensions

You have already figured out what type of glass would be ideal for the size of fish tank you want to construct. What is left is the sourcing of the most appropriate materials in their suitable dimensions. You need these to start assembling. As you will prefer, you can have your glass seller cut the glass for you after you have told them the dimensions of your glass, or you could choose to DIY. If a specialist cuts the glass for you, you shall have an easier time as you will only need to put all your equipment together, and you’re good. Remember to confirm the sizes before you pick your glass. On the other hand, if you choose to DIY, ensure you use the right cutting tools so that you do not injure yourself. A roller cutter or a corundum glass cutter can work for you. Choose whichever option is efficient for you but remember that all glass walls need a stand on the base to create the required stability and prevent any leaks. The walls of a fish tank should always be paired to ensure the dimensions are similar. Ensure the sidewalls are shorter than the glass base of attachment to allow for assembly. Follow the right procedure and use the appropriate tools.

Assemble Your Tank

You have prepared everything you need, and your tank is almost ready. You, therefore, need to arrange the tank walls and align them accordingly neatly.  Install your tank in the center of the base and have the corresponding walls on the sides.  Smoothen the edges using sandpaper. Try to have a polished glass that can perfectly fit on the stand at the panel base. Clean the top of the glass with water or sanitized wipes. You can alternatively use normal paper wipes dipped in alcohol. Focus on the glass edges, as leaving them with any dirt can lead to the detachment of your seals. Fix your duct tape around all the glass edges before you seal the walls. This will prevent the silicone from sticking to the glass and increase your sealing accuracy. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and you have your tank ready.

It is not difficult to build your own fish tank. You only need to follow the above steps and use the ideal instruments. The size and type of glass are key to consider.

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