Challah is a special bread in Jewish cuisine, usually braided and typically eaten on ceremonial occasions such as Shabbat and major Jewish holidays. However, in Joy Huang, a talented flour artist’s hands, these traditional bread has a new life (form).

Huang creates adorable animals out of braided challah bread. So far, Huange has created three and half animals: squid, spider, turtule and the half is a roasted turkey shaped bread. Huange also gave her bread animal a pair of prop eyes which make them look more adorable. In addition to their shape, Huang also gives these doughy creatures adorable names. For example, the squid loaf is called ā€œChallahmariā€ (or ā€œTchallahā€), the spider is called ā€œArackneadā€, and the turtle goes by the name ā€œMichallangeloā€.

Besides these braided bread animal, Huang baking work show on her Instagram. Head over to take a look or follow her if you want to see another cute braided bread animal in future.

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