Gallery Wall probably is one of the most affordable and easiest way to give your home a face-lift. It is a great way to show your personal style and cherished memories. Gallery walls can be as eclectic or uniform, the things they present can vary from home to home. They just allow you to display everything that you love in a way that feels right. Moreover, they are also a smart way to fill awkward spaces and make them feel really special. There are many tips and ideas for how to create a gallery wall. And here, in stead of throwing you a bunch of images of beautiful gallery walls, we try to do our best to present you some categorized ideas and give you a brief idea of those walls. If you like one kind of wall, you can pick the category and do more further research to set up your very own gallery way.

Photo Gallery Wall
The first things come into your mind when build a gallery wall is using photos. Your family photo, your personal photo, your photography work. All those photos record part of your life and it is nice to hang them up.

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

Print/Painting Gallery Wall
Using art work you like in the gallery wall is another common way. Although they might not as special as photos, carefully selected art work is also a good way to show your personal style.
27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

Misc Gallery Wall
Although photos and prints are two commonest choices to build gallery walls, you can actually hang everything you like on the wall. Mirrors, keys, collectibles, clock, lights or all kinds of wall decoration can be part of your gallery wall.

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

Grid Style Gallery Wall
Although most of gallery walls we see are not perfectly aligned, freestyle is somehow closely connected with gallery work. However, it doesn’t mean you can use grid to layout your gallery wall and if you are that kind of person pursues neat and ordered feeling, a well-placed grid style gallery wall might be something you should go with.

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

Gallery Wall on Shelf
If you think hanging on the wall is a bit difficult or not easy to change, build your gallery way on shelf is another option. It is a easy way to display all kinds of stuff and reduce a lot of drilling and hanging work.

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

27 Fresh Gallery Wall Ideas for Inspiration

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