Fine art prints have become hugely popular. From digital art to photography and reproductions, fine art prints are a go-to medium for selling artworks. But what exactly is a fine art print and what makes them special? Fine art or archival prints use high pigment inks and archival paper printed on professional, wide-format inkjet printers. While this may sound straightforward, it can vary greatly depending on the materials used and the expertise of the printers.


Let’s start with the image. Before you head to a fine art printer you’ll want to make sure your work is digitized and in the right resolution. If your work is not already in a digital format there are two approaches: scanning or photography.  While they both have their benefits, the availability of large-scale scanners makes simple work of digitizing artworks of any size. Don’t forget to save your images in the highest resolution possible. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image, so printers recommend a resolution of 300dpi or higher to achieve the highest quality prints and to allow for printing in large formats with ease.

Paper and Inks

Paper and ink are the building blocks of fine art printing. While they may seem mundane, these are the materials that will make the difference between your work looking drab and dreary or bold and dynamic. Fine art printers use the highest quality pigment-based inks and archival papers to produce superior results. Pigment-based inks produce accurate, vivid colours that bring vibrancy to art prints, illustrations and photos. The wide range of archival papers available, from metallic and high gloss to velvet finish watercolour and environmentally conscious bamboo paper, add the finishing touch. Due to the quality of these materials, fine art prints can have a longevity of 100+ years when stored in the proper conditions.

Equipment and expertise

The right people behind the right equipment can make all the difference in the result of your fine art print. Fine art printers have the best printing technology available at their fingertips, as well as the know-how to ensure your print comes out perfect. Fine art printers have access to the latest equipment, allowing them to print in sizes up to 160cm x 5000cm. Highly trained, these printers see thousands of artworks every year so they can help guide you to the best combinations of inks, papers and printing styles to produce exactly what you want. If you’re looking for a way to make your art stand out, it’s hard to pass up the expertise offered by a fine art printing service.

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