Many people are quite generous to their cats. There so many different cat furniture from Custom-build Cat Lounge Room to all kinds of cat bed, from cardboard cat playhouse to a thousand dollar cat tower, designers just don’t stop pleasing our felines friends.

And the floating cat furniture from CatsMode are there to provide quality life to cats when we have limited ground space. Moreover, unlike the normal cat furniture, which is often an eyesore for us humans, CatsMode’s furniture looks like contemporary wall décor.

CatsMode’s hexagonal-shaped wooden cat shelves don’t only look great on your wall, but they also encourage curious cats to explore. Each modular compartment features cut-out sections that kitties can jump and clamber through. It is also a good place for them to have a nap. These hexagonal-shaped cat shelves are easily adapted. You can choose to order multiple shelves and aligned them in a way as you want.

Besides the shelves, there are also cat steps. With the help of steps, you cats can easily reach the shelves without jumping on your furniture and accidently break things.

If you are ready to let your cats jump / nap over your head, check out the CatsMode shop and buy your own shelves and steps.


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