If you prefer to wash your dishes by hands, clean knifes are somehting can’t be avoided. We use knifes to cut various things and sometime, if you don’t rinse them immedietly, the stain will stay there. Then when you finially remember to clean them, if will find it is quite difficult to remove stains and easily leave many cuts on the sponge or scouring pads during the scrubing.

Joseph Joseph provids a decent solution with its innovative BladeBrush design. The U-shaped brush comes with bristles on both ends, strong enough to scrub any grime off the blade, even getting in between serrations. The bristles make a perfect choice not only because they do a remarkable job cleaning the blade, but also because the blade doesn’t really slice through them, since they flex. It is available on amazon for $8. Not that bad right? Clean knife, safe process and easy way.

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Knife Clean Just Get Easy and Safe

Knife Clean Just Get Easy and Safe

Knife Clean Just Get Easy and Safe

Knife Clean Just Get Easy and Safe

Knife Clean Just Get Easy and Safe

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