The long-eared jerboa does have a pair of huge ears compared with their body size – 1.3 times the length of its head. And the rabbit looking ear isn’t the only thing make them special. Somehow, this adorable animal also has a mouse-like body, a pig’s snout, and back legs that look like a miniature model of a kangaroo’s.

The long-eared jerboa is a rare, nocturnal, mouse-like rodent with legs for days, exceptionally large ears, and a long tail. The body of the animal is around 2.8 in to 3.5 in long while its tail is double this size. Because of its large, kangaroo-like back legs, it can jump pretty high.

The animal is native to the deserts of southern Mongolia and northwestern China. Since they’re primarily nocturnal, they spend the day in underground burrows which they dug themselves. As for their diet, they mostly consume flying insects. The lifespan of a long-eared jerboa is around 2 to 3 years.

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