Inspired by “How to Train Your Dragon,” twin brothers Manik and Ratan created Drogo, a friendly dragon who won hearts back in 2014/2015. Today, we’re taking a look at their charming Drogo illustrations that continue to delight fans.

Manik and Ratan, known as the “Twin Cartoonists of Bangladesh,” started their journey at 15. With skills in graphic design and animation, they now work as design consultants at the United Nations.

Drogo’s whimsical charm and adventures quickly made him a fan favorite. Manik and Ratan’s illustrations blend humor and heart, inviting everyone into a world where dragons are friends.

Despite their busy careers, the twins still create new Drogo adventures, bringing joy to their audience with fresh and unexpected storylines. Their dedication shows their love for storytelling and art.

Manik, Ratan, and Drogo remind us of the magic in creativity and storytelling. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to Drogo, there’s always something enchanting in their work.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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