The solar energy industry is more in demand than before – with the latest technology and engineering increasing the effectiveness of utilising solar to produce energy. In fact, 2019 saw a historical mark of more than 2 million solar PV installations across the States.

Small- to large- scale installations are increasingly shining light on the reliability and affordability of renewable solar energy. With this has come the rise in popularity of home installations. This article aims to explore some valuable insight when considering going solar.

Considering cost of solar

There are a few things that could influence the price of your installation. The first major point when looking into roof installations is the angle of your roof. Though almost all roofs can support a solar panel system, the angle and the roof material itself will impact cost. For example, roofs angled greater than 30 degrees requires more sophisticated workmanship, influencing project time and labour costs.

While doing research on solar installations, you will find that many factors impact this decision. One of these is which type of system to choose.

Choosing the best type

As there are various types of silicon panels for home use, it is important to know which type is most suitable for your home environment. The different types require varying installation areas, have differing efficiency rates and each perform optimally in distinct conditions. For example, solar panels installed in very hot climates are actually said to be less efficient. Therefore, it’s important to find a company to guide you with expert knowledge.

You might have been wanting to go solar for a long time, but are unsure of whether your roof can support the panels.

Considering your roof

The age of your roof that will be holding the solar panels is another significant consideration you will need to discuss with a specialist. Even though panels can be installed on nearly all types of roofs, older roofs may not be sturdy or reliable enough to support the panels.

If your roof will need replacing in the next 10 years and you’d still like to go ahead with a roof set-up, this work should be done before the panels are installed. This is due to the long life of solar panels, with some panel types having a warranty of 25 years and other homes in temperate climates able to enjoy their solar installation for 30 – 40 years. Either way, the structure upon which the panel system is resting needs to be very stable.

There is another option you may not be aware of, and this is ground-mounted solar panels.

Ground-mounted solar

Making the decision between roof- and ground- mounted panels depends on several factors. For example, perhaps panels aren’t ideal for your roof if it sits in the trees or doesn’t receive much sunlight. No need to stress, however, as ground-mounted solar panels work just as well!

A couple of salient considerations to note about ground mountings, firstly, are that the installation may be somewhat bulky. Therefore, if garden space is limited or if you’d like to maintain its manicured aesthetics, then a ground-mounting installation may not be a fantastic option for you.

Besides – and perhaps more importantly – is that ground set-ups may cost more due to  additional labour and reinforcement material required. In the same breath, however, as the ground mountings can be larger and better oriented towards maximum energy production, the higher installation cost will be offset by the greater energy yield.

The complexities of solar panel systems is the reason it may take a trusted specialist in your area to assess your property and personal needs to know which is the best type of installation set-up for you.

Latest predictions say that by 2024, there will be an average of one solar installation per minute across the nation. Home set-ups are likely going to become more affordable as time goes on, with the realisation that renewable energy is the least environmentally-impacting way forward. But, with solar panels being installed by the thousands, are there unqualified companies looking to make more than their fair share of the deal? Perhaps..

Finding a suitable company

Finding a reliable contractor who is qualified and skilled to assist your home set-up is essential; and there are many full-service solar and electrical contractors who can help you. As the customer, do research beforehand to ensure that the company is reputable and is compliant with local and federal regulations. Though home installations are possible for the DIY-adventurers, it is highly advisable to contact a recommended service provider to assist you with this major home installation.

Find someone reliable who can answer all your burning questions and necessary queries – a company to install the perfect solar panel system for you and your family!

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