Many stadiums built specifically for those large events didn’t get fully used. And sometime, they event get wasted. Hence, Vincent Callebaut Architectures propose, instead of perpetually building new stadiums for each new World Cup and Olympic Games, build cultural and sports hubs intended for nomadism at sea, Oceaniums.

Half boat, half stadium, these low-carbon community hubs would navigate thanks to renewable energies by using solar radiation and the strength of the prevailing winds, as well as the cold ocean currents of Labrador and the warm Gulf Stream. In this nomadic vision of new sporting and cultural practices, it is no longer the supporters who go to obsolete stadiums but sustainable and ecological stadiums that go to the supporters.

These Oceaniums, which would be true stadiums for the oceans, would be constructed entirely of sourced and recycled materials such as solid wood, recycled aluminum, green algae, and plastic waste from the 7th continent concentrated in the five oceanic gyres. This plastic waste would be recycled into new building materials for 3D printers linked to human-controlled artificial intelligence processors. The development of a plethora of algorithms, particularly the predictive learning provided by AI and 3D printing, has made it an indispensable tool for reducing human risks on future augmented construction sites.

Oceaniums resembling coral reefs in the process of calcification, skeletons of cetaceans filtering seawater, and bioluminescent organisms, are havens of biodiversity dedicated to the flourishing of ocean flora and fauna.

I kindly agree the idea of not building everything new. But a floating stadium won’t be possible for those inland countries. But I am glad many of us are thinking about such things and search for better solution.

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