Even though laptop is called “lap top”, it is actually not that comfortable when you place it on our lap for long time due to the heat and poor posture. Slate is designed to solve that problem, and we believe it will become an essential accessory for people tries to do a lot lap work.

Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User

Made of premium bamboo, slate is ultra lightweight, super strong, and it will absorb the heat from your laptop. Before, you can never use mouse when you work on your lap. But with slate, that is possible. A super thick and heavy duty mouse pad is installed and sits flush against the surface of the slate. Moreover, slate has a 0.5 x 5.5 inches display dock for our phones and mini tablets

Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User
Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User
Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User
Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User
Slate - Mobile AirDesk for Laptop User

via: kickstarter
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