If you spend your time with various design projects, odds are you’ll accumulate quite a bit of leftover material. One very common material used in craft and design projects is wood. Depending on the size of the wood scraps you’re left with, it can cause quite a bit of clutter!

The wonderful thing about wood is that you can combine it with another inexpensive resource such as metal, high-quality paint, or deep pour epoxy resin and create simple, awesome DIY projects.

If you have some leftover wood taking up space, consider these seven DIY projects you can do with wood scraps.

1. Epoxy Resin Wood Bowl

This project requires one very specific kind of wood: the tiny blocks you don’t have any other use for! They don’t even need to be the same kind of wood. You’ll just need mold like a cheap bowl and some epoxy resin to turn your scrap wood into a fully usable and stylish bowl for your home!

2. Scrap Wood Wall Art

Sometimes you finish a project, and you’re left with flat wood of various shapes and sizes. There are plenty of art ideas that can transform your bulky leftover scraps into beautiful wall decor!

Keep an eye out around your home, and remember any walls that look like they could use some new art. Perhaps you’ll be able to create something neat and inexpensive to fill that space.

3. Cat Scratching Post

Another great use for sheets of flat wood, especially for cat lovers! Most people reading this will have to go out and purchase a wooden dowel for this project, but if you happen to have one collecting dust, consider this a sign to make yourself a new scratching post!

4. Epoxy Resin River Coffee Table

This is definitely the trickiest one on this list to take on, but the finished product is more than worth it if you have the tools and expertise. It’ll require something for the base and epoxy resin to create the “river” effect, so make sure you have all the proper supplies and tools before getting started.

5. Plant Stand

Elevate your plant to a whole new level with a super simple plant stand! It’s also relatively easy to assemble, so it’s great for beginners.

Since there are so few different wood pieces involved, it’s super easy to adjust the measurements if you have smaller pieces of wood to work with or smaller plants that need a stand.

6. Wall-Mounted Wine Rack

Since this project involves supporting more than just some painted wood up on a wall, you’ll definitely need some proper inserts for whatever type of wall surface you’re working on. But the end result is an incredible and unique way to display your wine. With this project, you’ll probably clear up some clutter in the kitchen and have extra vertical storage!

7. Vertical Wall Garden

Speaking of cool vertical storage ideas, it’s not too difficult to make a series of planter boxes running across your wall with nothing more than some scrap wood and hanging inserts! This idea is great for both indoor plants that need to be kept out of the way of pets or little children and outdoor plants that need to make room for some new plants that are being brought home.

Bottom Line

Clutter is a common problem among craft, design, and home improvement enthusiasts, and it’s only going to get bigger if you leave it alone! Hopefully, you can get rid of wood scraps creatively with one of these ideas that require hardly any extra investment.

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