Are you purchasing a greenhouse, but unsure of how it should be oriented in your yard? The orientations of a greenhouse are very important to the growing process and will affect how your plants and flowers grow.

The orientation of your greenhouse will directly affect its usability, and considering where to put it is the first step you need to take when installing a greenhouse. Greenhouses can not just be placed randomly, as optimized orientation depends on multiple factors.

These structures are permanent or semi-permanent, depending on which greenhouse you choose, and you don’t want to have to tear it down after installation because you chose an inappropriate location, this will just cause headaches and reduce your enjoyment and the useability of your new greenhouse.

Ground Shape and Slope

When choosing a location to install your greenhouse, you will want to ensure the chosen area is nice and flat, but not prone to flooding. Having a smooth and level surface to install your greenhouse is your best bet, but you don’t want to place it below a hill or in an area with poor drainage. The specialists behind Halls greenhouse say that you should consider the slope of the land, and if necessary place the greenhouse at the top of the slope, rather than the bottom. You don’t want to put time and energy into the plants, and have them flood and drown, so this is an incredibly important consideration when scoping out the perfect patch of land for your greenhouse.

It is also important to consider the quality of the land when you are placing your greenhouse. If you install your greenhouse on unstable earth, such as loose soil, there is a chance that the ground can shift, leading to problems with the greenhouse after installation.

Because of the chances of the ground shifting it is best to choose a stable and well-packed area to install your greenhouse, to avoid operational and structural issues. Once you have chosen the appropriate area, you want to ensure there is a slight pitch, to allow excess water to drain and not affect the structure of the greenhouse.

Ideally, you will choose the location with the best possible drainage to avoid any flooding and avoid placing the greenhouse in shaded areas or around things that could hit the greenhouse and damage it.

The Sun Direction and Growing Seasons Matter

Depending on the seasons you want to grow in, you will orient your greenhouse according to the sun’s directionality.

Ideally, you will place the greenhouse east of existing structures, and you will want to avoid heavily treed areas, to allow for sun but also to protect the greenhouse from any damages that could occur from falling branches or tree limbs.

You want to have plenty of suns and ensure that the greenhouse will receive this sun throughout the day. It is better to place the greenhouse in an open and sunny area and apply sheets or cloths to reduce direct sunlight if necessary. You can always create shade, but you can’t create sunlight, so avoid orienting your greenhouse with shade.

If you are looking to optimize your growing seasons and will be growing throughout the year, you want to place the greenhouse where it will get the most light throughout the day, to ensure you are maximizing the sun’s efficacy on your plants. In the winter season, the days are shorter, and your plants will need to make the most of the sun that is offered during winter. Having a directionality of the sun south-east is best, to ensure your greenhouse will be in the sun as soon as it rises and throughout the day.

While there are many other considerations when building your greenhouse, such as the platform and structural concerns, choosing the perfect spot and orientating your greenhouse properly will make all the difference. Not only will the location you choose affect the plants, but the location will dictate what size and shape of greenhouse you will purchase. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can find a great location for your greenhouse, and ensuring it is orientated correctly will allow you to grow lush and hardy plants throughout the year. IN doing so, the plants that in your planned greenhouse will grow strong and healthy.

Location and orientation will be the first steps you take when deciding what to purchase. Installing a greenhouse is never a bad idea. By ensuring the proper location and orientation you can maximize your growing enjoyment for years to come. As a result, you will make the most out of this interest.

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