Are you one of those people who love fresh green plants inside your homes? If you want to add greenery to your house and are unsure which plants will be the best fit for an indoor environment, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will be discussing some popular indoor plants that can add a touch of nature to your house.

Plants’ Effect on Shaping Our Surroundings

It is super rewarding to have luscious green plants inside your home since it refreshes your space and emits fresh and vibrant energies. It has also proved to provide better ventilation through the circulation and balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. It makes a space breathable and makes it more vibrant.

Furthermore, plants tend to add aesthetic value to any space because they are beautiful to look at.

Top Plants That You Can Grow Inside Your Homes

This is the ultimate guide for people who want to grow plants indoors. We have some plants listed here that are durable, hard to kill, and can survive in different indoor climates [with the help of indoor grow lights].

● Jade Plant

This plant is great for all newbies because it can maintain humidity in dry and cold conditions. Jade plants fall under the succulent plant family because of their ability to retain water that saves a person from the hassle of watering it on a regular basis. Plus, the retention of water makes its leaves shinier and attractive.

● Pothos

Pothos is the best option for all the black thumbs because it can survive in unfavorable conditions like low sunlight, dry air, under watering, and overwatering. It helps to filter out benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene. This plant is much easier to grow and can propagate into new plants in water as well.

● Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that has some atmospheric benefits including its tendency to retain water, and staying firm at a single place for a longer time. It also helps to remove formaldehyde from the air. Due to these reasons, indoor plants have surged in popularity among the masses. This indoor plant is also famous for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Many people use it as an ingredient to prepare their skincare gels or face masks.

● Dracaena

Dracaena is a good fit when it comes to choosing a plant that requires a minimal amount of effort because they do not need to be placed under direct sunlight. They can easily be adjusted to low light conditions and indoor temperatures. It purifies the air by filtering xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

● Spider Plant

This is one of the top-rated houseplants that can humidify and filter the air against xylene and formaldehyde by its anti-polluting quality. You can easily plant it in the well-lit spots of your house since it does not require direct sunlight. You can also consider getting grow lights if you live in an area with minimal sunlight or if you’re hardly home. When it comes to growing succulents indoors that require any amount of sunlight, it’s important that you get the right to grow lights to make your life that much easier. This way, you don’t have to worry about anything if you forget to place it near your windows to expose them to the bright light. However, the plant might need frequent repotting since its roots can fill up much faster.

● Snake Plant

As the name suggests, this plant resembles the appearance of a snake. But do not worry, it doesn’t act like a snake! Their leaves are spikey, thin, sharp, stiff, and have irregular green branding that resembles the skin pattern of a snake. Although it requires bright light, it is highly capable of surviving in unsuitable conditions such as low light and demands minimal maintenance. It can filter elements like benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and toluene.

Things to Consider Before Purchasing Houseplants

If you are looking forward to adding a more natural touch to your house, then you need to consider some factors before you visit your plant shop. Plant maintenance can take a toll on people when they do not have sufficient time to care for them. The reason why it is suggested is to assess your space and decide which plant will be the best fit for you according to your indoor environment.

After evaluating the space where you will accommodate the plant, consider your home’s conditions like temperature and lighting. If it aligns with the survival conditions of the given plant then you can consider buying it. Otherwise, only invest in plants that can thrive in the specific climate that you can provide easily.

Plants are one of the few items that can add charm to the entire aura of your house. They add a touch of color and life, giving an overall more refreshing vibe to any space. Regardless of whether you feel you have a green thumb or not, there are a number of indoor plants that are manageable and that you’ll be able to take care of with ease.

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